The Robbins and Stadium Truck and Ramp Car events on December 31 will now take place…
Category: Holidays 2021
Protoyping in Calabogie
The final release for our Holiday 2021 series occupies the first night of week between Chritmas…
PCars at Suzuka
The penultimate slot in our Holiday 2021 schedule, as selected by BGR regulars features a trip…
Too Much Flip Car? Nah…
TIME UPDATED TO 2:30PM Is it possible to get too much Flip Car in one night?…
BGR Bullies on ACC
To truly embody the Christmas spirit, we’ll be getting together to harass random strangers on December…
Multi-Class at Watkins Glen
The latest release in our Holiday 2021 series is a rather odd multi-class paring at Watkins…