Hi y’all! Now that we’ve officially left Texas, it seems the lingo has finally crept into our vernacular!
It’s Day 39, and we’re now in Little Rock, Arkansas, for the night after a light (and boring) travel day on Interstates, but we should probably start with…
Day 38
We started off with a stroll to Diner 24 for breakfast, which gave us a chance to check out our AirBNB’s ‘hood.
To say it’s mixed would be understatement. At one end of the spectrum, there are properties like these…
Check out the steel pergola and fence. Wood is for the proletariat! This is the neighbouring property.
The last two image above seem to be pretty impressive properties based on the street view imagery. The first three images are from along Blanco, between 7th and 8th streets.
At the other end was this place. It’s on the corner of Blanco and 8th, if you’re on the street view link above.
Our AirBNB was a couple doors down from the place above (east along 8th). We had the lower level, which was quite comfortable, well appointed, and full of character.

We then did some random shopping, including buying a supply of our favourite Walgreen brand earplugs and a new electric toothbrush to replace the one that had just died. Along the way, we discovered this sad situation:

After dinner, we joined Jim Miles of Walking Tours of Austin for a private tour that fused his normal Ghost Walk Tour and Murder Walk Tour. It was a great time, and Jim gave us a ton of info about the city, its history, and the gruesome details of the USA’s first serial killer, as well as the dramatic hauntings at the Driskill Hotel.
Mounted in the hotel’s bar
Along our tour route, we saw some interesting stuff…
Meditating next to traffic No idea #keepaustinweird
We also got to see some more of Austin’s amazing buildings.
At the end of the tour, we thanked Jim for the great time and headed back to base to pack for departure.
Day 39
Nothing too exciting to report. The drive to Little Rock was pretty uneventful once we got out of Austin. However, getting out of Austin was oddly interesting, particularly when you consider that we were going against the flow of traffic.
Batman There was very little holding that stuff to the trailer And he had a massive exhaust leak, as well as a tendency to lane hop Incoming gridlock1 Poor goats! Poor little things!
As we drove, we remarked on weird signs we’ve only ever seen the USA, such as:
- “No Contraband Beyond This Point” – sign assumes reader knows what is considered to be contraband by the authority in question
- “No Firearms Permitted” – sign featured on many buildings and seems to over-rule the rights of those with concealed carry permits
- “City Limits” – appears on centre median of interstate. Why would anyone care as they drive by at 75mph?
- Height clearance signs on overpasses. These appear on the overpass as if the truck driver is supposed to be able to do something about it as he speeds towards it.
- Route markers (like I-35, turn right) that are placed after the intersection where you need to turn right.
That’s it for now. Tomorrow we make our way into Indiana.