Day 3 Report

If you’re still with us, thanks for hanging around. We promise to make these as entertaining as we can, but I write government stuff for a living so humour is a big stretch for me.

Today, we did the short-haul from Fort Frances, ON to Winnipeg, MB! Yes, finally… a different province! The day started windy, cool, with clouds and some rain, but got progressively better, but not until we were well into Minnesota. Right after crossing into Minnesota, we encountered a really big fish and just had to stop and capture it for the benefit of our friend, Lanark (aka Mike Adamovits).

Ever caught one this big, Lanark?

The weather wasn’t the only transition we were seeing. The landscape was quickly shape-shifting from the edges of the Canadian Shield (Rob’s favourite geological formation) into prairie. As we drove through Minnesota, the roads were straight and the landscape looked very flat. So much so that I remarked that I was unsure where/how far to look ahead. Trish warned me that it would be even flatter in MB and SK.

Finally, we made into Winnipeg with T at the wheel (more on that later) and parked at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. We grabbed a bite to eat inside before checking the place out. It’s a staggering place the balances the reminders of our capacity for cruelty and systemetized hate against hope for the future. If you’ve never been, we highly recommend it. Also, the building is spectacular!

From there, we made our to the hotel, checked-in, and then headed back to the Forks for dinner at Mon Ami Louis, located on the visually impressive Esplanade Riel Footbridge. Our meal was great the setting was beautiful.

We then strolled back to the hotel, checking out The Forks’ skate/BMX park. What an amazing facility! Why doesn’t Ottawa have a space like that?

Update on our computer issues: Motherboard needs replacing as it turns out none of the USB ports are recognizing devices either. While Dell could repair it, the logistics of that while we’re travelling don’t look workable so we’re sending it back for a refund. Still, the original box is being shipped to Vernon, BC (thanks Matt), where we’ll toss it in and ship to to Dell. It only took over four hours on the phone to get to this point, but what can you do? That eliminates the defective computer, but doesn’t provide a working computer. That problem remains a puzzle right now.

That’s it for now. Tomorrow is city tour of Winnipeg then dinner in Marquette, MB, with T’s mom’s family, before heading to Portage La Prairie for the night.

2 thoughts on “Day 3 Report

  1. Looks like you guy are having fun! Did you need me to feed and water Matt while you’re gone?

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